The Greatest and Most Popular Football Team in the World

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Final Departure . . . D.C. Bound!

We arose at the crack of dawn in Provo and Dad drove us to the SLC Airport where we boarded (flight info) on the way to Washington, D.C. with a short 1 1/2 hour layover at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Our plane was delayed 20 minutes while we waited for it to arrive. Was very interesting to get a little taste of the humidity . . . I hadn't felt anything substantial since my return trip to Atlanta following my mission in 1997. Wow almost 10 years ago!! Boy am I an old fart!!

Upon arrival at O'Hare we walked a fair distance before asking where the United terminal was located and soon afterwards realized there was a shuttle bus that took travelers to their respective terminals instead of requiring them to walk miles!! What a novel idea :-) The short trip was pretty cool as we rode on the actual tarmac in amongst the planes each parked at their respective terminals.

The flight to BWI or Baltimore/Wasington International Airport was suprisingly quick. As soon as we reached optimal cruising altitude at 37,000 ft. it was time to start our descent. Arrival at the airport was noneventful save for the luggage retrieval which seemed to take forever . . . it definitely held up to it's track record for being slow and ineffective.

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