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Friday, June 29, 2007

We're Here!

We arrived at our destination, Alexandria, Virginia yesterday, after several hours of traveling; tired but rearing to venture into our nation's capital, Washington, D.C. for nearly two weeks of sight-seeing. Not sure I mentioned it or not already but it sure was refreshing and enchanting to see the green as we flew over the Midwest and also upon our arrival into Virginia . . . a sight that brought back fond memories of my service so many years ago in the Georgia Atlanta Mission. We spent some time reacquainting ourselves with Shelly and Ellie with Matt arriving some time later after a long day at the firm.

Our first full day we arose at the crack-of-dawn, as we would everyday on this vacation, in order make our White House tour appointment. We decided to drive into the Beltway and locate parking in downtown D.C. This decision almost turned out disastrous as Matt struggled mightily to find an open space. He barely made it just as we were about to enter the gates and go through security. We thoroughly enjoyed the self-guided tour of “The People’s House,” however my expectations were perhaps too high as it failed to meet them. I will easily blame the media for this one . . . Ha! Ha! Take that Rob Reiner (The American President), Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing, The American President), and Ivan Reitman (Dave).

Afterwards, we moseyed on over to The Old Post Office Pavilion. Once there I got a “quote-on-quote snack” from the Quick Pita in the International Food Court where I enjoyed an exquisite Gyro. After lunch, we took a tour of the Old Post Office Tower where we saw the Bells of Congress and a breathtaking panoramic view of our nation’s capital.

From there we went to Ford’s Theatre but found it closed; it would reopen and the tour would be postponed for a few days. I continued my compulsive need to window shop while waiting to enter The House Where Lincoln Died/Petersen's Boarding House. The tour, while short, was extremely rich in history and very sobering to be able to walk through the very house where our 16th President died from an assassin’s bullet.

Later that day after returning to the Astle’s for our official lunch, we ventured back out towards D.C., this time being the inaugural entrance into D.C. Emily was a pure genius as she had everyday planned out. It helped to have a guideline to follow, that being our many scheduled tours. Either way, her previous experience and expertise made the trip even more enjoyable . . . even if I slowed us down taking pictures around every corner. The weather was perfect for our first trip on The Mall to see the Vietnam War, Lincoln, Korean War, and WWII Memorials. Each memorial was very somber and quite moving. It wasn’t until we reached the midpoint of the Vietnam Memorial did the emotions begin to well up. The sheer immensity of the actual memorial combined with the thousands upon thousands of names of men and women who sacrificed their lives for freedom brought many tears to my eyes. I never expected to feel that way even with the history in our family; Dad being a veteran of that war. Those memories were unexpected, which made me appreciate even more what our sons, daughters, and families of past, present, and future soldiers.

(To Be Continued . . .)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Final Departure . . . D.C. Bound!

We arose at the crack of dawn in Provo and Dad drove us to the SLC Airport where we boarded (flight info) on the way to Washington, D.C. with a short 1 1/2 hour layover at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Our plane was delayed 20 minutes while we waited for it to arrive. Was very interesting to get a little taste of the humidity . . . I hadn't felt anything substantial since my return trip to Atlanta following my mission in 1997. Wow almost 10 years ago!! Boy am I an old fart!!

Upon arrival at O'Hare we walked a fair distance before asking where the United terminal was located and soon afterwards realized there was a shuttle bus that took travelers to their respective terminals instead of requiring them to walk miles!! What a novel idea :-) The short trip was pretty cool as we rode on the actual tarmac in amongst the planes each parked at their respective terminals.

The flight to BWI or Baltimore/Wasington International Airport was suprisingly quick. As soon as we reached optimal cruising altitude at 37,000 ft. it was time to start our descent. Arrival at the airport was noneventful save for the luggage retrieval which seemed to take forever . . . it definitely held up to it's track record for being slow and ineffective.